Satellite Symposium - FENS Forum - 24 June 2024
On the occasion of the FENS Forum 2024 in Vienna, we are organzing a Satellite Symposium "Too complex to understand? Bridging neuroscience and philosophy to build new tools to study the brain.”
When: 24 June 2024 3:00 PM, CESTWhere: Sky Lounge, University of Vienna, Oskar-Morgensstern-Platz 1, 1090 Vienna
The Satellite Symposium ventures into the intersection between neuroscience and philosophy with the aim of fostering interdisciplinary exchange between neuroscientists and philosophers to discuss conceptual approaches, methods and their assumptions, and the interpretive horizon of domains of neuroscience specifically addressing the complexity of the brain.
Due to space limitation, we ask participants to please register here for this event!
Full program:
Short information about the event:
In this symposium, we aim at discussing the current knowledge on whole-brain activity (in healthy and disease states) and its foundation in experimental and computational neuroscience. Confronting these models with philosophical concepts of causality and inquiries on the explanatory power of different forms of prediction, will allow a better understanding of the strength and potential limitations of today´s concepts of the brain. Moreover, organisms need to integrate their internal state and information by environmental stimuli by means of their nervous system thus neuroscientist exploring brain activity need to consider this complex interaction with due sensitivity. However, a better understanding of the environmental contribution requires a proper consideration how to conceptualize “environment” to operationalize its influence on the brain. Thus, a second discussion will confront neuroscientific approaches to integrate internal states and external stimuli (in health and disease) with reflections on the relevance of different concepts of environment and its relevance for the evolution of brain processes.
FENS Forum 2024 (Vienna, June 25-29) - activities by SHSC
Dear Members of Dutch Neurofederation,
We are delighted to share with you a lineup of exciting activities and offerings during the FENS Forum 2024 in Vienna, June 25 - 29.
"Reserved Seats at the Experts' Table" - Meet the Experts: Step beyond the lecture hall and into a coffee break for conversations with the Speakers.
Navigating the FENS Forum 2024 together - Student buddy system: Incoming students, you're not alone! We can pair you with a local buddy to help you navigate the city, answer questions, and make your trip to the FENS Forum 2024 an unforgettable chapter of your academic journey.
"Vienna Unveiled: Uncover Hidden Gems and Local Favorites" - Vienna brochure: Discover the heart of Vienna through our eyes with our curated brochure featuring our favourite spots.
Advice for student participants (travel, rooms, restaurants, leisure, scientific program etc)
SHSC booth at the conference venue (Messe Wien)
In collaboration with FENS: Jump the FENS! - Save the date! Meet your young neuroscience buddies at Prater Dome from 9 pm CEST on 26th June, 2024.
For detailed information please see the website:
For updates about the activities:
If you have any questions email SHSC at:
Can’t wait to see you at the FENS Forum 2024!
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